Over-the-counter sales

Secure and private OTC transactions

Execute large cryptocurrency transactions with our regulated OTC partners. Our platform ensures discretion and safety for all your high-value trades.

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Manage the privacy of your team and investors after large token unlocks

Conduct your transactions with complete privacy. Our OTC services guarantee confidentiality, protecting your identity and transaction details.

Employee liquidity programs to compliantly sell tokens

Protect your team, employees, and token from avoidable risks with compliant token selling programs. Manage the process efficiently for cohorts of any size.

Sell-to-cover routine tax obligations

We work with leading market-makers and OTC desks to help you find the best price for your needs–from routine token sales for tax withholding at each payroll run to bespoke employee selling programs.


Are you a broker?

No, Liquifi is not a registered broker-dealer or affiliated with any broker-dealers. We do not have a FINRA membership or SEC registration as required under the Exchange Act of 1934. Instead, we work with a network of licensed partners who have the necessary regulatory credentials and infrastructure.

Please contact our team for more information.

How do you ensure privacy?

We partner with reputable firms that comply with strict privacy standards and data protection tactics to ensure your transactions remain confidential.

How do you ensure the security of my tokens?

We integrate directly with trusted partners to provide secure custody solutions for your tokens, utilizing their security measures and protocols.