Vesting and lockups

Set and forget with Liquifi Distribute

Manage your schedules with our tracking and automation tools. Liquifi Distribute enables you to effortlessly track, manage, and automate vesting schedules and lockups, supporting various customizable combinations to suit your needs.

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Close-up of the app displaying an employee grant with detailed vesting and unlocking progress.

Track vesting and lockups together

Automate your schedules to exactly match your legal agreements. Liquifi Distribute supports the ability to manage vesting and lockup schedules together, correctly tracking token status for all your compliance and tax needs. Customize templates for easy setup of complex schedules.

A line chart displaying a vesting and lockup schedule. A cursor hovers over a vertical line labelled 'Today', with a popover displaying vested, unlocked, withheld, and net quantity of tokens received.
List of institutional custodians including Anchorage Digital, Porto by Anchorage Digital, Coinbase Prime, Safe, and Fireblocks.

Integrated with your preferred wallet or institutional custodian

Set up your token distributions with Anchorage Digital, Porto by Anchorage, Coinbase Prime, Fireblocks, Gnosis Safe, or any other custody solution you use.

Built-in compliance for employees and investors

Streamline your compliance workflows using our platform. Configure country-specific employee tax withholdings. For investors requiring qualified custodians, set up their lockups with our native integrations.

Section of the app displaying employee information, including their location and tax rate. Another card shows investor details and their unlocking progress


What's the difference between vesting and lockups?

Vesting is designed to incentivize long-term commitment. It gradually grants ownership of assets over a specified schedule. Common schedules include time-based vesting or milestone-based vesting. Vesting often includes a cliff, a initial period during which no assets vest.

Lockups are primarily used to prevent market disruption by restricting the sale or transfer of assets for a specific period of time. In most cases, lockup periods are enforced across core team members, investors, and insiders for a period after the token launch date. Companies often implement a token lockup after the token launch date.

Examples from two of our customers: Goldfinch implemented a 12-month transfer restriction for US participants, while dYdX implemented a gradual lockup schedule over 48 months.

How does lockups and vesting work together?

Grant: An employee or investor is granted a certain number of tokens. These are part of their compensation or investor agreements.

Vesting: Those assets vest of time. E.g., an employee may have a 4-year vesting schedule, with 25% of their shares vesting each year.

Lockups: Even after the assets vest, they might be subject to a lockup period. Though the individual or fund has technically earned the assets, they cannot sell or transfer them until the lockup period expires.

Vesting schedules and lockups are some of the strongest tools available for aligning incentives between founders, employees, and investors. A properly implemented vesting and lockup strategy is often crucial for ensuring your venture’s stability and long-term success.

Learn more in our deep diveWhen to use vesting vs. lockups for your tokens

Can I use your platform for only vesting without lockups?

Yes, you can use Liquifi for vesting without lockups. Our platform is fully customizable, allowing you to set up vesting schedules that fit your needs, whether linear, backdated, or custom. Lockups are optional and only added if they align with your token requirements.

Can I use your platform for vesting schedules that have already started?

Yes, you can use Liquifi to manage vesting schedules that have already begun. Our platform allows you to import existing vesting data, customize schedules, and seamlessly continue them without disruption during the onboarding process.

If you need guidance on setting this up, our team is here to help!

Which networks do you support?

Liquifi Distribute supports all major blockchains including:

• Ethereum
• Polygon
• Avalanche
• BNB Chain
• Arbitrum
• Optimism
• Ronin
• Scroll

Custodian-supported chains include:

• Solana
• Cosmos
• Celo
• Manta
• Root
• Berachain
• Shardeum

Which wallets do you support?

We support all WalletConnect-compatible wallets and more, including:

• Gnosis Safe
• MetaMask
• Rabby
• Ledger
• Coinbase Web3 Wallet
• Phantom
• Rainbow
• Trezor

We also offer walletless and account abstraction options powered by and ZeroDev.

See here for a complete list of WalletConnect-compatible options